PROUD is the honours programme for all the education programs that are parts of Fontys University of applied Sciences Engineering Department. PROUD was founded in 2009 to improve the engineering educations in order to adapt to the changing needs of our technologically diverse society. Since then, many students have graduated from PROUD and are facing a bright future with innovative challenges world wide.
Students that participate in PROUD, PRogramme OUtsanding Development, get the opportunity to development their professional skills by extra-curricular activities which do not provide additional EC’s. After successfully completing the programme, the student will receive an excellence certificate in addition to their bachelor’s degree.
The default duration of the programme is 5 semesters. During these 5 semesters it is expected students will have a workload of approximate 800 hours. That is approximately 5-8 hours work a week.
Overall setup of the programme
Students join the programme in the second year of their education, and complete the programme in their forth and final year. In general, study year two focussess on application to the programme, finding and starting an internship position, and organizing and participating in events. Study year three and four focus on mentoring junior students and participating in events. Additionally, in study year four students also complete their assessment portfolio.
Students who started their education programme in a fall semester, i.e. September, have the following general setup of PROUD in relation to the curriculum.

Students who started their education programme in a spring semester, i.e. February, have the following general setup of PROUD in relation to the curriculum.

Joining PROUD
Students that meet the entracnce requirements and pass the application procedure can join the programme. More information on the requirements and how to join is available HERE.
Activities during PROUD
During their time in the programme, students are involved in many activities. This includes both organizing and participating in these activities.
- Extra-curricular PROUD Internship of at least 200 hours
- Events such as social events for current PROUD participants and alumni, and promoting the honours programme during Fontys open days.
- Company visits to experience engineering in different fields.
- Workshops and lectures from experts in the field.
Additionally, students spend time on their personal development plan, finding and participating in activities which help them to reach their personal goals, coaching and mentoring junior students, and writing their assessment porfolio.
Completing PROUD
Students complete the honours programme by writing a portfolio based on the work they did during their time in the programme. Students need to show their competence in the following areas
- Technical competencies
- Innovation and dissemination
- Leadership, mentoring and coaching
- Free competence based on personal development plan
More information about the competences is available HERE, and more information on the assessment of the PROUD portfolio is available HERE.